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SUMODO ~The Successors Of Samurai~ (JFF Online) SUMODO ~The Successors Of Samurai~ (JFF Online)

Kathy . 1777 Videos
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movie , trailer

About :

SUMODO ~The Successors Of Samurai~ (JFF Online) SUMODO ~The Successors Of Samurai~ (JFF Online) 中文 線上看
Sumo wrestling is said to have already existed in Japan over a thousand years ago and is still a nationally popular event today. Sumo wrestlers (a.k.a. rikishi), who boast huge physiques, not only compete in physical matches, but also serve in Shinto rituals. This film closely follows famous sumo wrestlers to show how they live, train, and how they feel when they step onto the ring. There is no other sport in the world where two wrestlers weighing 200 kilograms collide head-on without protective gear. Sumo wrestlers are always at risk of injury, but no matter the amount of pain, it is never used as an excuse in the stoic "way of sumo" and "way of the samurai". This is an invaluable record of the lives of these modern-day samurais up close and personal. The excitement of live sumo tournaments is also palpable.

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Japan 線上看 預告 中文 SUMODO ~The Successors Of Samurai~ (JFF Online)

Release Date:

in 2 years



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