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倒掛的愛麗絲 Alice Upside Down

yukari1 . 1618 Videos
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movie , trailer

About :

倒掛的愛麗絲 Alice Upside Down 中文 線上看
Still mourning the death of her mother a few years back, ALICE McKINLEY finds her life seriously disrupted when her father BEN buys a store and moves her and her older brother LESTER to a new town. In the painful throes of adolescence, Alice has a rough time adjusting to her new school, especially after she gets the stern MRS. PLOTKIN as her core teacher. Feeling shy and isolat...

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美國 法國 線上看 預告 中文 Alice Upside Down 倒掛的愛麗絲

Release Date:

in 4 years



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