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世紀對決 AlphaGo 中文 線上看
The ancient Chinese game of Go has long been considered a grand challenge for artificial intelligence. Yet in 2016, Google's DeepMind team announced that they would be taking on Lee Sedol, the world's most elite Go champion. AlphaGo chronicles the team as it prepares to test the limits of its rapidly-evolving AI technology. The film pits man against machine, and reveals as much about the workings of the human mind as it does the future of AI.AlphaGo,直譯為阿爾法圍棋,亦被音譯為阿爾法狗、阿法狗、阿發狗等,是於2014年開始由英國倫敦Google DeepMind開發的人工智慧圍棋軟體,以及對應的電影紀錄片《AlphaGo世紀對決》。從2017年4月開始在各影展上播放。台灣在高雄電影節上映(2017年10月22日、10月25日)。網路平台部份,2017年在Google Play、iTunes以及Amazon上映,2018年在Netflix上映.
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