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Eles Transportan a Morte Eles Transportan a Me

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movie , trailer

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Eles Transportan a Morte Eles Transportan a Morte 中文 線上看
1492. Entre la tripulación de Cristóbal Colón viajan tres hombres que ya deberían haber muerto. Han evitado su destino participando en un incierto viaje.Al llegar a Canarias, huyen cargados con una de las velas de la embarcación. Mientras, en el Viejo Mundo, una mujer trata de salvar a su hermana moribunda, con laesperanza de que una curandera pueda ayudarla. Ambos viajes tratan de burlar a la muerte.

1492. Among Christopher Columbus\' crew are three men who should have been dead. They have managed to avoid their sad fate by participating in this uncertain journey. When reaching the Canary Islands they flee, taking one of the ship\'s sails with them. Meanwhile, in "The Old World", a woman tries to save her dying sister, hoping that a healer can help her. Both of these journeys attempt to laugh at death.

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Colombia - España 線上看 預告 中文 Eles Transportan a Morte

Release Date:

in 2 years



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