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返家十萬裡 Fly Away Home

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movie , trailer

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返家十萬裡 Fly Away Home 中文 線上看
13歲的艾米(安娜·帕奎因 Anna Paquin 飾)在一場交通事故中失去了母親,只好被送到與母親離異多年的父親(傑夫·丹尼爾斯 Jeff Daniels 飾)身邊。父親經營著一座農場,整日琢磨各種稀奇古怪的發明,面對已經長大的艾米難免不知所措,二人最初的相處生疏而隔閡。艾米收拾好喪母之痛,也努力適應農場生活,一日在一片樹叢發現一窩被遺棄的大雁蛋,她小心將它們捧回家裡,併成功孵出一窩小雁,但是出於政府野雁不可以家養的規定,艾米必須要令這些小雁放歸自然。父親想出了奇妙的主意幫助艾米,他動手為她製作了一架滑翔機,讓她帶著小雁學會飛翔,然後在遷徙季節一路護送“雁媽媽”艾米帶領小雁們飛向安大略湖,在這個過程中,一對父女的心也開始緊緊連在一起……Amy is only 13 years old when her mother is killed. She goes to Canada to live with her father, an eccentric inventor whom she barely knows. Amy is miserable in her new life...until she discovers a nest of goose eggs that were abandoned when a local forest is torn down. The eggs hatch and Amy becomes "Mama Goose". When Winter comes, Amy, and her dad must find a way to lead the birds South...

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返家十萬裡 Fly Away Home 中文 預告 線上看 美国

Release Date:

in 5 years



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